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Corey avatar
Written by Corey
Updated over a week ago

Changes made in August 2021:


  • Domain Verification Time Out Error

  • Custom domain re-certification after time out error

  • Domain verification CAA Error

  • Custom Domain re-certification after CAA error

  • Remove/Edit Email Domains

  • Customize Countdown Screen

  • Customize Thank You Screen

  • Customize Thank You Screen Video from the library

  • Customize Countdown Screen Video from the library


  • After the webinar is over if you go to the webinar page on a different browser (or incognito), it shows your the registration page, and after reloading takes you to the webinar is over the page

  • The client is unable to type chat messages from the live console of a Hybrid Webinar

  • Changing date/time locale does not translate the timezone

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